Thursday, June 11, 2009

Checking versions if Office 2004 is at 11.5.5 and Acrobat is at 9.1.2

This is a trick to check version of some software on a group of computers

Here we're checking that Office 2004 11.5.5 update is installed

for ((i=1;i < 21;i++)); do if [[ $i -lt 10 ]]; then echo "station $i" ; ssh station-0${i}.local " ls -l /Applications/Microsoft\ Office\ 2004/Updater\ Logs/11.5.5\ Update\ Log.txt "; else ssh station-${i}.local " ls -l /Applications/Microsoft\ Office\ 2004/Updater\ Logs/11.5.5\ Update\ Log.txt "; fi; done

Here we're checking that Acrobat reader and acrobat are at 9.1.2

for ((i=1;i < 21;i++)); do if [[ $i -lt 10 ]]; then echo "station $i" ; ssh station-0${i}.local "system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType SPApplicationsDataType | grep '9.1.2' "; else ssh station-${i}.local " system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType SPApplicationsDataType | grep '9.1.2' "; fi; done

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