Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Script to convert IIRF rules to IIS Rewrite

Use this script in Linux or Cygwin

Example conversion:

#individual page redirects
RedirectRule ^/default.php http://example.com [R=301]

Converts to:

<rule name="RULE_no1"><match url="^/default.php" /><action type="Redirect" redirectType="Permanent" url="http://example.com" /> </rule>



awk 'BEGIN{OFS=""}/RedirectRule/{ print "<rule name=\"RULE_no",NR,"\"><match url=\"",$2,"\" /><action type=\"Redirect\" redirectType=\"Permanent\" url=\"",$3,"\" /> </rule> " }' $1

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

CMD exercise : filtering for files that don't have a keyword


Need to find the keyword "ORDER, " in a large folder of txt files. Need to move all files that don't have this keyword to another folder.

How do I count the number string instances for all files in a directory?

Here is an example of looking for the string "ORDER, " in all txt files.

find /C "ORDER, " *.txt

How do I filter for items with a count of zero?

find /C "ORDER, " *.txt | findstr /c:": 0"

This is because each line in the output of find comes up:

---------- stats-2011-09-13.TXT: 0
---------- stats-2011-09-12.TXT: 12

What if I want to move all files from a list to some folder?

First output your results by doing redirection.

find /C "ORDER, " *.txt | findstr /c:": 0" > list.txt

You can open the file and strip out everything except the filename and extension. Once that's done, just use a for loop to move everything in list.txt.

for /f %a in ('type list.txt') do move %a no_orders

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Old School VS .net 2005 MFC Threading and Timers

I come from a background of multithreading with Java. I also did some threading with pthreads.

CWinThreads don't seem to have the same level of control that java has.

To create a CWinThread, use this :

AfxBeginThread(ProcName, NULL, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0, 0, NULL);

Using AfxBeginThread allows you to access MFC objects.

Make sure you create global function:

UINT ProcName(LPVOID param)


for(int i=0; i<100000000; i++)

if (i % 10000000 == 0){

TRACE("thread 2 id = %d, %d \n",AfxGetThread()->m_nThreadID,i);


return 0;

You probably noticed the AfxGetThread() function which gives you access to the current thread. Very helpful function.

It looks like CWinThread uses preemptive multitasking but it's kind of slow, doing like context switches every second or so.

I also played with the MFC timer. This doesn't create a new thread whenever the timer function executes. It uses the same thread as is used in the GUI (I was using a dialog project). This is also much too slow. You can set the timer to every millisec. Would be nice to have it down to microsec.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Convert text to html codes

I was surprised there was no simple script out here to do this conversion. I took the an table of html ascii and wrote this bash script.

I know there are functions to convert text to ascii. I didn't want to go through the hassle of formatting it for HTML.

This script accepts as input the text you want to convert and also a html formatted table of ascii codes.

# $1 input text
# $2 ascii table

for ((i=0;i<${#to_process};i++))

if [[ $letter == "." ]]
res="${res} &#46;"
line_no=`grep -n "<td>$letter</td>" $2 | cut -f 1 -d ':'`

if [[ ${#line_no} -gt 0 ]]

part=`sed -n "${line_no}p" $2 | sed -e 's/<td>//' -e 's/<\/td>//'`


echo $res | sed -e 's/amp\;//g' -e 's/ //g'

Here is the table I used:

<table cellspacing="0" border="1" width="100%" class="reference">
<th align="left">ASCII Character</th>
<th align="left">HTML Entity Code</th>
<th align="left">Description</th>
<td> </td>
<td>exclamation mark</td>
<td>quotation mark</td>
<td>number sign</td>
<td>dollar sign</td>
<td>percent sign</td>
<td>left parenthesis</td>
<td>right parenthesis</td>
<td>plus sign</td>
<td>digit 0</td>
<td>digit 1</td>
<td>digit 2</td>
<td>digit 3</td>
<td>digit 4</td>
<td>digit 5</td>
<td>digit 6</td>
<td>digit 7</td>
<td>digit 8</td>
<td>digit 9</td>
<td>question mark</td>
<td>at sign</td>
<td>uppercase A</td>
<td>uppercase B</td>
<td>uppercase C</td>
<td>uppercase D</td>
<td>uppercase E</td>
<td>uppercase F</td>
<td>uppercase G</td>
<td>uppercase H</td>
<td>uppercase I</td>
<td>uppercase J</td>
<td>uppercase K</td>
<td>uppercase L</td>
<td>uppercase M</td>
<td>uppercase N</td>
<td>uppercase O</td>
<td>uppercase P</td>
<td>uppercase Q</td>
<td>uppercase R</td>
<td>uppercase S</td>
<td>uppercase T</td>
<td>uppercase U</td>
<td>uppercase V</td>
<td>uppercase W</td>
<td>uppercase X</td>
<td>uppercase Y</td>
<td>uppercase Z</td>
<td>left square bracket</td>
<td>right square bracket</td>
<td>grave accent</td>
<td>lowercase a</td>
<td>lowercase b</td>
<td>lowercase c</td>
<td>lowercase d</td>
<td>lowercase e</td>
<td>lowercase f</td>
<td>lowercase g</td>
<td>lowercase h</td>
<td>lowercase i</td>
<td>lowercase j</td>
<td>lowercase k</td>
<td>lowercase l</td>
<td>lowercase m</td>
<td>lowercase n</td>
<td>lowercase o</td>
<td>lowercase p</td>
<td>lowercase q</td>
<td>lowercase r</td>
<td>lowercase s</td>
<td>lowercase t</td>
<td>lowercase u</td>
<td>lowercase v</td>
<td>lowercase w</td>
<td>lowercase x</td>
<td>lowercase y</td>
<td>lowercase z</td>
<td>left curly brace</td>
<td>vertical bar</td>
<td>right curly brace</td>

Friday, May 14, 2010

Tool to manage power for ppc Linux

ACPI is n/a for ppc. Same for apm. Those don't work with the ppc hardware. Pbbuttonsd controls sleep and hibernate. And for PPC Linux, you must have an ATI graphics card for sleep to work. Nvidia and anything else will not work.

$ sudo pbbcmd hibernate


$ sudo pbbcmd sleep


$ sudo pbbuttonsd sleep


$ sudo pbbuttonsd hibernate

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Python - test urlopen function

import urllib
f = urllib.urlopen("http://www.google.com")
print f.read()

Monday, April 5, 2010

Flash Card to Moodle xml

#example flashcard questions:
Which switch would you use with the echo command to enable the "backslash" options? ------ -e
Which switch would you use with the find utility to cause another command to run without prompting you? ------ -exec

#shell script

if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]
echo "$0 file_to_convert"
exit 1

echo "starting conversion to moodle xml"

if [[ -f $converted ]]
echo "$converted already exists"
rm $converted

echo '<?xml version="1.0" ?>' > $converted
echo "<quiz>" >> $converted


cat $1 | while read line

q=`echo $line | awk -F"$sep" '{ print $1 }'`
a=`echo $line | awk -F"$sep" '{ print $2 }'`
echo '<question type="shortanswer">' >> $converted
echo '<name>' >> $converted
echo "<text>Question $i</text>" >> $converted
echo '</name>' >> $converted
echo '<questiontext format="html">' >> $converted
echo "<text>$q</text>" >> $converted
echo '</questiontext>' >> $converted
echo '<answer fraction = "100">' >> $converted
echo "<text>$a</text>" >> $converted
echo '<feedback><text>Correct!</text></feedback>' >>$converted
echo '</answer>' >> $converted
echo '</question>' >> $converted


echo '</quiz>' >> $converted